Friday, May 29, 2009

Awesome V-19 Torrent!!!!

I wanted to bring to the attention of all my readers that the new Clone Wars ship, The V-19 Torrent ROCKS! It is a great ship. It looks cool, has a great design, and has lots of custom parts. Even though it comes with only one minifig, it is a cool clone pilot, and is hard to find. If you did not get enough information through the movie, Please check out the link on my website to Thank you for reading my blog.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lego Slave I ( or at least one of my 1st tries at it )

Here is a Lego ship I built a little while ago. I built it as a very crude imitation of Jango & Boba Fetts ship, Slave I. I was really happy with it at the time, and still am. You may be wondering why there is a clone sitting in the control seat. At the time I took the picture, it was the only LEGO Starwars minifigure that I had. I decided that one minifigure was better than none. Let me know what think. (Maybe you shouldn't).  I hope you like it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hello, Welcome to my blog. 

This blog is supposed to be about lego Star Wars. I will try to feature a product fairly often. This product will either be from the lego company, or something I made up. I hope you enjoy reading my blog. Have fun.!!!!